
Consulting | Education | Advocacy

At the core, my goal is to provide the social equity services and offerings specific to the needs of the client. As a result, each negotiation for service includes a discovery meeting with stakeholders and/or decision-makers of your choice to give input on what aspects of the organization needs the most development and exploration. From this meeting, I will curate a specialized offering based on the organization's request, and gentle suggestions from a basic social environmental scan of impact on staff, board, volunteers, clients, and community. There are general offerings available for trainings and facilitations. 

Rates depend on length and breadth of service. Standard hourly rate is $150/hour, but can be negotiated as part of a package contract. There is a sliding scale for nonprofits, start-ups, and womxn and minority-owned businesses. Please ask for discount application in when contacting to be considered. 

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Social Impact Consulting

Social equity is not only a trendy topic in organizational development today, it is a core foundation of success in a rapidly diversifying society. The foundational intersectionality dynamic of "intent versus impact" is imperative to any strategic plan, marketing campaign, or project design in the 21st century consciousness. Let me help navigate you along your social equity journey!

My work spans over a decade, focusing in social equity consultation and social justice facilitation, including mediation, narrative identity development and healing circles. My style was formed during a three-year fellowship between 2010 and 2013 when I was appointed to Seattle University’s Diversity and Equity Education Project. This initiative sought to facilitate, safe and gracious spaces, courageous conversations, and mediations with all folks on campus. These foundational beginnings became refined and honed in my recent consulting work and social research amplifying the lived experiences of folks with mental health and addiction, folks experiencing homelessness and housing instability, folks with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ folks, folks of color, community activists and advocates, growing nonprofits, and all the street level bureaucrats that worked frontlines to administration in the aforementioned fields.


When I was eight-years-old, I began my passion for educating among a roomful of obedient stuffed animal pupils. Today, I live my dream through social equity training and facilitation.

My trainings are personalized to each client to streamline the offering and make it directly applicable to the dynamics happening within the company, group, or organization. When I say I provide education within the realm of social equity, it means there has yet to be a request that has been difficult to accommodate thus far. However, there are certain subjects I would consider core wells of knowledge:

  • Race, culture, and ethnicity
  • Disabilities, especially invisible, psychiatric, mental, intellectual, developmental, and cognitive disabilities.
  • Gender and misogynoir
  • Housing and Homelesness
  • Socioeconomic disparities and economic justice
  • Psychosocial basis of prosocial behavior and wounded healers
  • Nonprofit industrial complexes and systems failure strategy
  • History of discourse regarding Anti-Blackness and it's role in American Society
  • Narrative and social forensic self-exploration, and deconstruction of trauma and conditioning.


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My advocacy takes many forms, and is the widest umbrella of services I offer! As a leader for social equity in our community, I am fighting for justice around-the-clock! Some of my volunteer work includes being Co-Chair of the Seattle Commission of People with Disabilities, and Housing Committee chair; Member of the Seattle Renter's Commission; and Vice President of Education for the Seattle University African American Alumni Association.

I also am the Founding Executive Director of The Eleanor Elizabeth Institute for Black Empowerment. We seek to serve the needs of the Black community in Western Washington as they are needed in the moment. This year, we are working on avenues of access for low-income people with ethnic hair to obtain and afford culturally-specialized hair products.

I am happy to serve your organization by providing any of the following services:

  • Public speaking
  • Moderation
  • Panel discussions
  • Guest lectures
  • Public demonstration speeches
  • Singing
  • Prose and spoken word
  • Op-Ed and perspective writing